Saturday, July 30, 2011

MOPS Convention 2011

The excitement has reached the point of being practically unbearable! 3 days after today I will be heading to  Nashville to learn, meet & worship with thousands of other MOPS moms for 4 solid days. There's a lot more going into this year's Convention for me, since I am now a Field Leader. I am really looking forward to meeting  some of my groups' Steering Teams on Thursday night. I am gathering full size care products for a give away to a local ministry, used shoes for Compassion, goody bags for my TeenMOPS team going, organizing my FL binder in preparation to stuffing it full of new, useful info, packing my own bags, organizing activities for my kids here at home, bills while I'm gone, the list goes on and on, and on...
The one thing I am looking forward to the most is our General Session time. There is nothing like being in a room with 4000+ women singing for the glory of God! I got a taste of this 2 weeks ago at my Thirty-One Conference and I can't believe the difference it has made in my life since. This has probably been the hardest year of my life (7 months ago yesterday, as a matter of fact) and I've survived. And it's not all been bad, and I've been brought closer to my God in more ways than I can explain, but I've also felt this distance that I can only accredit to my faith. I've been relying on the faith I've ALREADY had, not infusing my faith with the rejoicing of a new morning every morning with Christ. Maybe it's a lot to put on my time at Convention, but I sincerely believe that God is going to show up and show up BIG! And I'm praying and waiting and practically shaking with the anticipation for it.
Next on my Convention "looking forward to" list is the workshop with Jen Hatmaker. Since last year's workshop, "Even Mary lost Jesus" I've been an avid Jen fan, following her on Facebook, and now her blog. In addition to reading several of her books. Honestly my copy of "Out of the Spin Cycle" is so dog-eared and written in it is now to the point of being utterly pathetic and unworthy of being called a "book". I've been following her life saga of adopting 2 children from Ethiopia and can't wait to hear her again in  person & rejoice in the fact that God is working in her life.
I've been to several MOPS Conventions- starting with my first in Grapevine, TX. I went alone. It was scary- my first time flying alone, first time to navigate an airport alone, first time checking in hotels alone, etc. But the best thing about that trip was (and forgive me, MOPS Int.) was the church I attended Sunday morning before I left for the airport. It was a cowboy church in a local restaurant in one of the out lying sites of the Grapevine Mall. That service changed my perspective of "church" and moved me in so many ways! And prepared me to serve a distinct place in the future of my home church, Hebron Baptist.

A night on the town with Elvis!
I've been to Nashville before too. The following year I attended with several of our Steering Team members and the bonding of that time is still unprecedented! Here I met my first TeenMOPS moms & Coordinators. The information & friendships I gleaned from these chance meetings has been priceless in my quest to start/coordinate our own group.

Me & Julie Barnhill, One Tough Mother
Me & Karen, not the GPS Karen at Planet Hollywood
Last year I attended Convention in Orlando. Just getting there was an epic journey of 16 hours straight driving with our handy dandy GPS "Karen" and my right hand mom friend, Karen. After I was there I attended my first TeenMOPS Positional workshop and was able to get the basis and outline for our group that started this past September. I love the ladies that went on that trip and so excited to see that many of the "regular" moms in that 8 passenger Suburban are now looking at leadership for this upcoming MOPS year! Glory to God for the work in their lives serving this ministry!
All but 1 will be Steering this year &  she graduated!
So with this year's Convention days away, I have no idea of the surprises and chance encounters God has in store for me as Field Leader and TeenMOPS Coordinator, but I do know it will be memorable!


  1. I think the general session time is my favorite part of convention, along with the resource fair. I could browse that place all day and still not feel like I'd seen everything or talked to everyone enough!

    Thanks for stopping by Family Musings

  2. I have to agree and say theres something so special about general session! Nothing better than worshipping with 4000 women you could be your closest friends! Perhaps we will see you in TN! Prayers for safe travels for you and your team!

  3. Can't wait to meet you in person!! Loved reading about MOPS Convention from your perspective!!

    Shawna Lee

  4. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!! Squee! @mummydeals
